These Issues Can Indicate Dysphagia

Most people are able to swallow whatever they eat and drink without thinking much about it, but there are some individuals for whom this regular occurrence causes some issues. These people often have a condition known as dysphagia, which can be highly disruptive. Dysphagia is a condition that can have a number of unwanted consequences, so it's important to seek help. An ear, nose, and throat doctor is the right medical professional to visit if you believe that you have dysphagia. They'll offer numerous treatment options. Here are some issues that may indicate that you have dysphagia.

Difficulty Swallowing

One of the biggest warning signs that you could have dysphagia is that you have a high degree of difficulty swallowing whatever you put in your mouth. It may take you several attempts to do something as simple as swallowing a mouthful of water, for example. You might struggle with many types of food, trying over and over to swallow even small mouthfuls. In some cases, you may have such difficulties completing the task that you aren't able to swallow what you're trying to eat or drink. The difficulties that you experience when trying to swallow can make meals daunting and distressing.

Pain While Swallowing

Difficulties with swallowing food and drink aren't the only challenges when you have dysphagia. It's also common to experience a level of pain as you attempt to swallow whatever is in your mouth. The pain can vary in intensity, with some people experiencing a dull ache and others noticing sharp pains as they try to swallow. Regardless of whether or not you're able to swallow whatever you're trying to eat, the pain that you experience can leave you not wanting to continue eating.


It's common for those who suffer from dysphagia to experience heartburn after they swallow their food. While heartburn can affect anyone on occasion, this issue can occur frequently when you have dysphagia. Heartburn can cause a reflux of stomach acid to irritate your esophagus, resulting in discomfort. You may also occasionally regurgitate what you've just swallowed, which can be distressing if you went to considerable effort to swallow it in the first place. Heartburn can also leave you with a sore throat and bad breath. If you believe that you have dysphagia because you've noticed one or more of these symptoms, look for an ear, nose, and throat doctor in your community and set an appointment.

Contact a local ENT to learn more.

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About Me

A Doctor for Your Senses ENTs could be considered the doctors for your senses. While they don't treat eyes or have much to do with vision, they do keep your ears healthy so you can hear and your nose healthy so you can smell. In diagnosing issues of the throat, they help patients eat and breathe comfortable. Whether you struggle to swallow, have a perpetually stuffy nose, or have had several ear infections, an ENT is the type of professional who you should see. Here on this blog, we'll write more about the work that ENTs do, the ways that they diagnose disease, and the treatments they generally offer.

